Jesse Reno Rocks

Raw, open and expressive are the qualities that both describe the artist and his art. Intuitive painting, using the most basic essential tools which include red, blue, yellow, black and white acrylic paint, four brushes, four pastel sticks and a pencil, oh and Bristol board.

It’s what’s inside that matters not the materials. Jesse Reno teaches us to see in a new way…

Sign up for his next workshop. Better be quick He’s a rising star.

You Are Powerful!

If you believe in a Universal Intelligence. If you believe in God. If you believe in possibility. Be reminded of this… anything is possible and you can make it happen! Focus, stay positive and allow yourself to be guided. Then wait for the magic and be ready for the unexpected! You are powerful beyond measure.

One Step at a time!

Progress takes time. Whether you are coming up with new ideas or figuring out what comes next—time for quiet and contemplation are required. Over the last several months, I’ve been busy working on new designs and products. This endeavor has been exhausting and revealing, not to mention FUN! But now it’s time to put my energy in …

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Spring is in the Air

It is late spring. The birds are busy with babies, the plants are blooming… and the studio is buzzing with renewed energy and big plans. We are developing new products, getting new cards printed, creating a line of several different types of goodies. We have deadlines with shows coming up. We recently changed our work schedules …

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