Share Your Passion

Honestly, it doesn’t matter if you have a great recipe, or know how to sing well… if you have something to share with someone, or the world… share it!!!

I spent several days sharing my love of Gelli printing with many folks who had neither heard of the process or seen the results. Let’s just say, suddenly everyone was a child, giggling with delight at the fun and discovery of this liberating process.

The word spread. First only a few showed up to class, and they were instantly hooked. As the week drew to a close however, and time was running out, many more arrived, having heard about the fun we were having in the Pfish cabin at the end of the lot.

On the last day five people showed up to create a folded star book. Those who had participated in the Gelli making process created colorful, printed books. The rest of the room was mayhem… as 8-10 people dove into the process head first.

The results were magnificent. One of the students, Gwen, surprised me later that evening by showing up with a necklace made from her prints… I was giddy.

I am hoping that the invitations to teach in Santa Monica and Big Bear pan out! Because I just love sharing the process and inspiring others on their creative journey!

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