Loving Kindness of Strangers

A few weeks ago a perfect stranger named Jennifer, left a note on my windshield letting me know that she thought she’d witnessed someone hitting my car. She wasn’t 100% positive, but she took the time to write the note, take down the make and model of the vehicle, the license plate number and leave me her number. After a little hedging from the owner of that car, he accepted responsibility and rather than my having to pay anything out of pocket, his insurance covered the cost. I was so grateful.

I called Jennifer back offering a gift for her kindness. She was unwilling to accept but she said that my calling her, had made her day. She explained that on the day of the accident, she was having a horrible day, she said, beginning to cry. She was still tender, but appreciated my call saying that was enough thanks for her.

Her kindness really touched and affected me. Thanks again, Jennifer.


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